
Ljuking around Ljubljana

After a horrible, ill-advised journey that required its own post, I finally made it to Ljubljana, the capital of the little country of Slovenia. I ... Read more

Good travel books

It can be difficult to find the time or finances to go travelling. Fortunately, lots of people have written some great books on their travel experi... Read more

What makes a good hostel?

If you keep up with this site you’ll probably be aware I spend a good deal of time bitching about hostels. And never mind that I could go on for lo... Read more

How not to travel from Lviv to Ljubljana

Having spent a nice, if cold, few days in Lviv it was time to go, and leave Ukraine behind. Next on my list of places to go was Ljubljana, which is... Read more

Lviv'ing la Vida Loca

I decided to splash out the princely sum of 560 hryvnia (about 17 Euro) to travel first-class from Kiev to Lviv, the next destination on my trip. I... Read more

Best of Soviet Architecture

As regular readers will know I’ve been spending a lot of time in former Warsaw Pact countries (for those that don’t know, that’s basically the Sovi... Read more

Useful travel apps

Travel can be hard work. Figuring out where to go, how to get there and what to do while you’re there, what language is spoken, what the money is -... Read more